Spoiler Complet de la liste des cartes de l'extension La Crise Ecarlate !Voilà la liste, quand il y a rien marqué entre parenthèse, c'est que c'est une commune.CRMS-EN000 - Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN001 - Turret Warrior (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN002 - Debris Dragon (Rare)
CRMS-EN003 - Hyper Synchron (Rare)
CRMS-EN004 - Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)
CRMS-EN005 - Trap Eater
CRMS-EN006 - Twin Breaker
CRMS-EN007 - Dark Repairer
CRMS-EN008 - Blackwing - Gale of the Hurricane (Rare)
CRMS-EN009 - Blackwing Bora the Spear
CRMS-EN010 - Blackwing - Sirocco of Dawn
CRMS-EN011 - Twilight Rose Knight (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN012 - Summon Reactor SK
CRMS-EN013 - Trap Reactor Y FI
CRMS-EN014 - Spell Reactor RE
CRMS-EN015 - Black Salvo (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN016 - Flying Fortress SKY FIRE (Rare)
CRMS-EN017 - Morphtronic Boardon
CRMS-EN018 - Morphtronic Pacchin
CRMS-EN019 - Doomkaiser Dragon/Assault Mode (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN020 - Hyper Psychic Blaster/Assault Mode (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN021 - Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN022 - Arcane Apprentice(Rare)
CRMS-EN023 - Assault Mercenary
CRMS-EN024 - Assault Beast(Rare)
CRMS-EN025 - Black-Winged Magician
CRMS-EN026 - Lifeforce Harmonizer (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN027 - Gladiator Beast Samnite (Rare)
CRMS-EN028 - Dupe Frog
CRMS-EN029 - Flip Flop Frog
CRMS-EN030 - B.E.S. Big Core MK-2 (Rare)
CRMS-EN031 - (Rare)
CRMS-EN032 - Scanner (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN033 - Dimension Fortress Weapon (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN034 - Protector of the Desert
CRMS-EN035 - Cross-Sword Hunter
CRMS-EN036 - Bee Square
CRMS-EN037 - Triple Viper
CRMS-EN038 - Alien Overlord (Rare)
CRMS-EN039 - Alien Ammonite (Rare)
CRMS-EN040 - Dark Strike Fighter (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN041 - Blackwing Armor Master (Ultra Rare)/(Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN042 - Hyper Psychic Blaster (Ultra Rare)/(Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN043 - Arcanite Magician (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN044 - Cosmic Fortress Gol'Gar (Ultra Rare)/(Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN045 - Prevention Star
CRMS-EN046 - Hostile Servant
CRMS-EN047 - Star Blast (Rare)
CRMS-EN048 - Raptor Wing Strike
CRMS-EN049 - Morphtronic Retro Engine
CRMS-EN050 - Morphtronic Field
CRMS-EN051 - Assault Overload
CRMS-EN052 - Assault Teleport
CRMS-EN053 - Re-Assault
CRMS-EN054 - Psycho Sword
CRMS-EN055 - Telekinetic Collector
CRMS-EN056 - Gladiator Beast's Inner Strength
CRMS-EN057 - Seed Cannon
CRMS-EN058 - Super Nourished Sun
CRMS-EN059 - Scrolls of the Six Samurai
CRMS-EN060 - Great Sea of Trees
CRMS-EN061 - Barrier of the Magic Tribe
CRMS-EN062 - Triangle Area
CRMS-EN063 - Assault Mode Activate
CRMS-EN064 - Spirit Force (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN065 - Lost Star Descent
CRMS-EN066 - Chromic Barrier - Silver Force
CRMS-EN067 - Half or Stop
CRMS-EN068 - Nightmare Archfiends
CRMS-EN069 - Black Arrow
CRMS-EN070 - Ivy Shackle
CRMS-EN071 - Fake Explosion
CRMS-EN072 - Morphtronic Barrier
CRMS-EN073 - Bren Morphtronic
CRMS-EN074 - Assault Slash
CRMS-EN075 - Assault Counter
CRMS-EN076 - Psycho Tune
CRMS-EN077 - Supernatural Healing
CRMS-EN078 - Trojan Gladiator Beast
CRMS-EN079 - Wall of Thorns (Rare)
CRMS-EN080 - Planet Pollutant Virus (Rare)
CRMS-EN081 - Dark Voltanis (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN082 - Prime Material Falcon (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN083 - Bone Crusher (Ultra Rare)/(Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN084 - Alien Kid(Super Rare)
CRMS-EN085 - Totem Dragon (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN086 - Royal Swamp Eel (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN087 - Submarine Frog
CRMS-EN088 - Code A Ancient Ruins (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN089 - Synchro Change (Rare)
CRMS-EN090 - Multiply (Super Rare)
CRMS-EN091 - Makiu, the Magical Mist (Rare)
CRMS-EN092 - Assault Armor (Rare)
CRMS-EN093 - Puppet King (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN094 - Zeta Reticulant (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN095 - Tethys the Goddess of Light (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN096 - Ido the Supreme Magical Force (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN097 - Violet Witch (Ultra Rare)/(Ultimate Rare)
CRMS-EN098 - Greed Quasar (Secret Rare)
CRMS-EN099 - Armoroid (Super Rare)