Bah , les nouvelles tins ont été révélées.
Le format va être chamboulé ! Pour une fois qu'il était bien :
Do you have the strength and skill of a master Ninja? Of course you don’t! But that’s okay, because Hanzo will train you to battle with the cunning and experience of a Ninja Grandmaster:
To have maximum power! Maxx "c"
To guide you to victory! TGU
To shock your opponents! Stock Master
To rescue you from the jaws of defeat! Rescue Rabbit
To be sneaky and devious! Hanzo
All the things that make true Ninjas the deadliest fighters in the world.
The Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis is the supreme ruler of his pantheon, and stands ready to give some of that power to you – if you deserve it.
Are you prepared? Find out, and wield the powers of creation:
Rain fire from the skies! Malefic Truth
Use the seas to flood your enemies! Leviair
March forth with an invincible army! Rabbit
Unleash an endless stream of vermin to plague your foes! ???
Or simply trample them beneath one of the largest dragons that has ever lived! Heliopolis
La tin Hanzo va pourrir le format avec Shock Master.